
27 Instagram statistics you need to to know in 2024

Let’s dive deep into the nitty-gritty statistics of Instagram. From the number of profile users and ad reach to the best-performing content and engagement rates, we'll cover it all. Grab a pen and paper, and get ready to take some notes!
27 Instagram statistics you need to to know in 2024
Infographic of Instagram statistics to know in 2023

Statistics about instagram users

As of 2022, Instagram boasts a whopping 1.5 billion monthly active users worldwide.

On average, Instagram users spend about 30 minutes per day scrolling through their feeds and engaging with content. 

And when it comes to gender, women still dominate the platform, making up 51.9% of all users compared to 48.1% men. 

But what about age demographics?

Well, here's a breakdown for you:

  • 30.2% of users are aged between 18 and 24
  • 31.7% are aged between 25 and 34
  • 15.8% are aged between 35 and 44
  • 13.6% are aged 45 and over
Instagram statistics of advertising audience profile
Statistics about Instagram audience profile

By the way, Instagram is the favorite social network for women between the ages of 16 and 34, and for men between the ages of 16 and 24.

Statistics about favorite social media platforms

With such a vast and diverse user base, it's no wonder that Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms for businesses to reach their target audiences.

But what about the average number of followers on Instagram?

  • Only 1.37% of accounts have more than 10 million followers.
  • 7.04% have between 100,000 and 500,000 followers.
  • 18.36% have between 10,000 and 100,000 followers.
  • 73.35% have less than 10,000 subscribers.

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Statistics about engagement rate

According to recent statistics, the average engagement rate worldwide is 6.01%

However, if you're in France, you might be happy to know that the average engagement rate is a bit higher, at 7.45%. 

Meanwhile, in Spain, the average engagement rate is 6.39%, and in the UK and Ireland, it's a bit lower at 5.52%. 

And if you're in North America, the average engagement rate is 6.50%. 

These numbers might vary depending on your industry, audience, and other factors, but it's interesting to see how engagement rates differ depending on where you're posting from.

Which format generates the most engagement ?

It's no surprise that video content is a force to be reckoned with on Instagram, as this year's report shows. In fact, it's the standout trend.

According to the numbers, videos are driving engagement and are far outperforming carousels and single images, with an average of 33 comments, while carousels receive 23 comments and single images only 13.

By the way, do you know the 10 video UGC formats that work best on Instagram ( not only!)?

How to write post description to maximize engagement rate ?

Alright, now let's talk about the nitty-gritty of crafting the perfect Instagram post.

Did you know that the length of your post's description can impact its engagement rate?

How many character to use in post descriptions ?

Here are the average engagement rates determined by the number of characters found in the post description.

  • No description: 5.38%.
  • 1 to 20 characters : 6.71% 
  • 21 to 50 characters : 6.65%
  • 51 to 100 characters : 6.40%
  • 101 to 1000 characters: 5.84%
  • 1001 to 2000 characters : 5.51%
  • More than 2000 characters : 6.27%

What about the number of hashtags? #️⃣

Do they have an impact on the engagement rate?

Well, adding more than 11 hashtags could well increase your engagement rate by more than a point.

  • No hashtag: 6.21%
  • 1 hashtag: 5.64%
  • 2 hashtags: 6.01%
  • 3 hashtags: 6.22 %
  • 4 hashtags: 6.94%
  • 5 hashtags: 6.11%
  • 6 to 10 hashtags: 6.50%
  • More than 11 hashtags: 7.30%

By the way, check out this other article to get to know the best Instagram hashtags so far this year.

What about emojis? 😀

Do they have an impact? Well, not really as long as you have at least one.

  • No emoji: 5.94%.
  • 1 emoji: 6.85%
  • 2 emojis: 6.85%
  • 3 emojis: 7.00%
  • 4 emojis : 6.88% 
  • 5 emojis: 6.67%.
  • 6 to 10 emojis: 6.85%
  • More than 11 emojis: 6.16%

What about mentions ?

And finally, should you mention as many accounts as possible to increase your engagement rate?

Here are the average engagement rates according to the amount of mentions: 

  • No mentions: 7.09%
  • 1 mention: 7.55%
  • 2 mentions: 7.94%
  • 3 mentions: 8.34%
  • 4 mentions: 7.73%
  • 5 mentions: 7.86%
  • 6 to 10 mentions: 7.95%
  • More than 11 mentions: 7.74%

Statistics about Instagram all-time records

What are the top 10 most followed accounts? 

  1. Instagram (587 200 000 followers)
  2. Cristiano Ronaldo (529 400 000 followers)
  3. Lionel Messi (415 200 000 followers)
  4. Kylie Jenner (377 600 000 followers)
  5. Selena Gomez (367 900 000 followers)
  6. Dwayne Johnson (356 900 000 followers)
  7. Ariana Grande (348 100 000 followers)
  8. Kim Kardashian (339 600 000 followers)
  9. Beyoncé (289 700 000 followers)
  10. Khloé Kardashian (287 600 000 followers)
Instagram most popular accounts
Statistics about Instagram most popular accounts

What is the highest number of likes on Instagram?

Well oddly enough the record was previously held by a photo of an egg (yes, you read that right).

It was dethroned in the summer of 2022 by this photo of Lionel Messi lifting the World Cup.

Statistics about Instagram Business accounts

90% of users now follow a company on this platform. 

According to recent statistics, these business accounts have an average monthly growth rate of +0.79% in their followers. Not too shabby, right? 

Plus, on average, these accounts post 1.77 times per day on their main feed. That's quite a lot of content! 

And these main feed posts are made up of 45% photos, 35% videos, and 19% carousel? So, make sure to mix it up and keep your audience engaged with a variety of content. 

Statistics about Instagram ads

Can you believe that each Instagram ad has the potential to reach a whopping 1.32 billion people?

That's right, a whopping 16.5% of the world's population and 25.6% of the total internet users. 

Instagram statistics of advertising audience overview
Statistics about Instagram advertising audience overview

With such an extensive reach, you can be sure that your ads will be seen by a vast audience.

But this total reach is decreasing.

Instagram statistics of advertising reach
Statistics about Instagram advertising reach

Yes, you heard that right!

Between January 2022 and January 2023, the total potential reach of Instagram ads dropped by 10.8%, going from 1.48 billion to 1.32 billion.

This is a significant decrease, and it's definitely something that brands need to keep an eye on.

How to find my own Instagram statistics ?

If you want to know the stats about your Instagram posts, you need to have a professional profile.

Don't worry if you don't have one yet, it's easy to convert your personal page to professional! 

To get started, simply log in to your personal user profile.

From your profile, click on "Edit Profile" and then on "Switch to a Professional Account."

Once you've got that sorted, accessing your stats is easy.

Just go to your profile and click on the three horizontal bars at the top of the screen.

This will give you access to general stats, which will provide a weekly summary of your activities.

You'll be able to see the number of impressions, reach, clicks, profile visits, evolution of the number of followers, and times when your followers connect on Instagram.

To see the stats of a specific post, just click on it, and then click on "see statistics".

Statistics of an Instagram post
Statistics about an Instagram post

From here, you can see the number of likes, comments, and shares, as well as the actions taken by users after seeing the post.

You'll also be able to see where the post was viewed and the number of new followers gained. 

So, keep a close eye on your stats and use them to improve your Instagram strategy!

Sources : 


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