UGC & Reviews

The 8 best review management softwares of 2024

5-star reviews are the lifeblood of e-commerce. Here are our top 8 softwares to help you generate and display as many as possible.
The 8 best review management softwares of 2024

A few 5-star reviews make all the difference.

Indeed, 95% of buyers read online reviews before making a purchase (according to PowerReviews).

But what's even more impressive is that a product with 5 reviews is 270% more likely to be purchased than a product with no reviews at all (according to Medill Spiegel Research Center).

Graph from Medill Spiegel Research Center's study

So how do you generate as many as possible to increase reassurance and boost conversions?

Via a customer review management software.

But choosing the right one for your brand is never easy.

So to help you, we've broken down 7 of the leading tools on the market, detailing their features, benefits and drawbacks.

Let’s go.

What is a review management software ?

Review management software helps brands collect reviews and testimonials from a multitude of platforms, centralize and manage them, and display them across all marketing touchpoints.

The best of these allow you to generate reviews - be it positive or negative - on platforms such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Trustpilot, Avis Vérifiés, Yelp, and many others.

Why use review management software?

Efficiency comes first. 

Imagine having to manage reviews on a whole host of online platforms. 

Review management software offers a consolidated interface, eliminating the need to switch platforms. 

It's a centralized hub for comprehensive review oversight.

Then there's automation. 

From soliciting feedback to post-interaction follow-up, these software solutions can automate the entire process. 

That leaves you more time to concentrate on what matters most: your products and your customers.

And finally, analytics. 

These software tools are capable of generating data-driven analyses, giving you an insider's view of customer sentiment.

Identify trends, pinpoint pain points and optimize your approach, all thanks to actionable data.

Wiink review platform example

9 key features to look for in a review management software

These platforms come with a range of features designed to simplify review generation. 

From functional essentials to advanced tools, here's what you should keep an eye out for:

1. Review aggregation and centralization

Your review management platform should be your unified command center. 

It should effortlessly gather and organize reviews from different online platforms to save you time and hassle.

2. Multi-platform compatibility

Make sure the platform supports a wide range of review sites, such as Google, Tripadvisor, Amazon, Facebook, and many more. 

This broad integration capability will maximize your exposure and reach.

3. Customizable review requests

Ensure that review request messages and testimonials are customizable. 

Automation functions will then send these personalized requests at the right time to optimize response rates.

4. Real-time notifications

Timeliness of responses is important. 

The platform should provide instant notifications every time a new review is submitted. 

This allows you to stay informed and react quickly.

5. Review analytics and insights

Look for a platform that offers comprehensive analytics and customer sentiment insights.

This will help you identify trends and areas for improvement, and make decisions based on concrete data.

6. Review response and engagement

Responding to reviews is key to standing out and being put forward by review platforms. 

Choose software that allows you to respond directly to reviews.

What's more, it encourages dialogue with your customers and shows your appreciation for their feedback.

7. Integration capacities

Make sure the platform integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, such as your CRM or e-commerce platforms. 

This will guarantee seamless workflows.

8. Gamification and incentives

Go for software that offers gamification elements (VIP tiers, challenges, leaderboards...) and allows you to offer rewards for each review left.

This adds a touch of fun, helps boost participation and fosters a sense of community.

9. Reputation monitoring

For ultra-complete software, look for a reputation monitoring function that alerts you to emerging issues.

It lets you take proactive measures to preserve your brand's integrity.

9 key features for review management softwares

7 best review management softwares


Loyoly is a new-generation customer review generation and management platform.

What sets it apart on the market is that it's one of the only software that allows you to generate reviews and testimonials on so many different platforms (Facebook, Google, Tripadvisor, AppStore...).

Entirely designed for e-commerce brands, it helps them generate authentic feedback to boost their SEO, customer engagement and conversions.

Integrating these review requests into loyalty programs, which Loyoly also offers to create, adds gamification and further motivates customers with personalized rewards.

Key features

  • Multi-platform review generation: Loyoly allows you to encourage your customers to create reviews on your own website or on all the main market platforms (Trustpilot, Facebook, Google, Tripadvisor, AppStore...).
  • Photos and videos: The platform allows you to generate reviews with photos or even video testimonials.
  • Dashboard: A comprehensive dashboard offers a detailed view of the number of reviews, the reach generated and a granular view of customers who wrote feedback.
  • Gamification and incentives: Review generation is integrated into the brand's loyalty program. Customers earn points every time they leave ratings and testimonials, which they can then redeem for rewards.
  • Customization: Review and testimonial requests are fully customizable, as is the landing page centralizing all the missions available to customers.

Pros and cons

✅ Besides generating customer reviews, Loyoly also enables you to create other types of UGC to generate even more visibility and credibility, such as testimonials on social media, comments, shares, and so on.

✅ Their interface is ultra-easy to use, both for users and consumers.

✅ It only takes a few minutes to set up the Loyoly platform and integrate its review program on the website.

❌ Loyoly does not yet offer the option of replying to reviews directly from their platform.

Loyoly reputation management platform


Reviewflowz is another new-generation review management solution, built specifically for B2B SaaS & software companies.

It is one of the only solutions on the market to support B2B platforms such as Gartner, G2, the Salesforce Appexchange, Hubspot marketplace, etc.

Built for B2B companies, it helps companies with collecting NPS ratings, and following up with review requests on B2B review platforms. Building always-on review collection processes helps with conversion rates, and ultimately with performance on review platforms.

Key features

  • Review monitoring across all B2B platforms: Feed each new review into a Slack channel, spreadsheet, or custom dataviz tool. Set up daily or weekly reports to keep an eye on your overall review game
  • Search & Export: Give an access point to your sales team so they can search & find the right testimonial at the right time. No more endless slidedeck updates, no more Slack requests every couple of days. Export your reviews to CSV at anytime for ad-hoc analyses.
  • Showcase your best reviews: Build dynamic, light, and flexible widgets to showcase your most recent reviews at any time. Define set rules to show the right reviews on the right page, at the right customer stage. Build social proof with recent, sourced, and platform-stamped reviews
  • Get more reviews, and know who’s reviewing you: Leverage easy NPS or star-rating review generation landing pages – gated or ungated – and integrate them into your workflows with their “magic link” feature. Gain insights into who’s actually converting, and finally get visibility over your entire review generation funnel.

Pros and cons

✅ Reviewflowz is a reliable and scalable solution built specifically for B2B review management

✅ Powerful search, filtering, and tagging features

✅ The software’s customer support is very available and widely praised

❌ Not a good fit for e-commerce customers 

❌ No social media integration

❌ Can’t reply to reviews from the tool

Reviewflowz review management platform


NiceJob is a cloud-based reputation management solution for managing reviews, referrals and sales optimization. 

Automated processes, robust functionality and a focus on customer engagement make NiceJob a strong contender in the review management software market.

Features such as multi-channel review requests and referral widgets are great tools for increasing participation and customer engagement.

However, its complex pricing and inability to publish video testimonials can be somewhat problematic. 

Key features

  • Multichannel review requests: NiceJob lets you send automated requests by email or SMS, customizable according to customer preferences.
  • Social media sharing: The tool lets you share customer reviews on social media directly from the dashboard.
  • Referral widget: This widget, to be displayed on your website, enables customers to recommend your services to others.
  • Photo integration: Your customers can integrate photos into their reviews to provide a more visual and authentic representation of their experience.
  • Cross-platform reviews: NiceJob connects with the majority of sites on which brands generally wish to collect reviews.

Pros and cons

✅ Their user-friendly interface makes it easy to use.

✅ The platform’s customer support is highly regarded.

✅ The system prevents asking the same customer for feedback twice.

❌ Some users may find pricing plans and structures a little complex.

❌ NiceJob's cost can be quite significant for smaller businesses.

❌ The platform does not allow customers to leave video testimonials.

NiceJob reputation management platform


Yotpo is a customer content marketing platform, specialized in facilitating companies' review generation and management efforts. 

Thanks to Yotpo's many features, companies can effectively leverage customer feedback to improve their products, overall customer experience and conversion rates.

Its product-specific review requests, image and video integration and partnerships with major players such as Facebook and Google further strengthen its position. 

Although the complicated reporting and pricing considerations may give pause for thought, Yotpo's integrated solutions for reviews, loyalty and SMS marketing make it a pretty comprehensive choice on the market.

Key features

  • Product-specific requests: Yotpo makes it possible to ask customers for targeted opinions on individual products, rather than general feedback on the company.
  • Customization: Yotpo allows you to personalize requests for feedback and add customized questions.
  • Image and video integration: The platform offers customers the possibility of including images and videos within their reviews.
  • Automated moderation and spam filters: Yotpo has added automated moderation features and spam filters to automate the review management process and guarantee content authenticity.
  • Analytics: The platform provides information on customer behavior through a comprehensive analytics dashboard.

Pros and cons

✅ Yotpo boasts official partnerships with Facebook and Google

✅ Beyond reviews, Yotpo integrates solutions for loyalty programs and SMS marketing.

✅ The option of adding a rewards program increases engagement and participation.

❌ Some users may find reporting system less intuitive, potentially requiring a learning curve to effectively navigate.

❌ Yotpo's pricing could pose a problem for small businesses or those just starting out in e-commerce.

❌ The setup process is considered difficult by some users.

Yotpo reputation management platform


BirdEye is customer review management software, made for companies looking to generate reviews on a large scale. 

Its enterprise-level capabilities provide a complete solution for brands looking to enhance their online reputation.

With a wide range of review request channels, customization options and multi-location management capabilities, BirdEye offers scalability and ease of use. 

Despite a lack of integration with all social media channels, and prices considered high by reviewers, BirdEye remains a solid choice on the market.

Key features

  • Multi-channel review request: BirdEye offers several channels for requesting reviews, including SMS, email, in-store kiosks, website forms and more.
  • Response templates: Their tool shares ready-to-use response templates, which can be customized to align with the brand's voice and needs.
  • Comment organization: The platform lets you organize reviews into custom fields, such as regions, products and ratings.
  • Multi-location management: BirdEye lets you manage several stores simultaneously from a single account.
  • Review aggregation: Their software gathers reviews from preferred sites and over 150 platforms

Pros and cons

✅ BirdEye offers an easy-to-use interface with minimal learning curve.

✅ The platform simplifies communication with existing and potential customers.

❌ Some users may find that BirdEye could benefit from broader social media integrations.

❌ Compared to other options, BirdEye's pricing might be on the higher side.

BirdEye reputation management platform


Swell is online review management software designed specifically for companies in the medical and dental sectors.

It offers smart, automated solutions for soliciting reviews and boosting customer engagement.

Its automated SMS invitations, integrated response templates and comprehensive analytics dashboard are among its obvious strengths.

Despite its niche specialization and potential API challenges, Swell remains a compelling choice for healthcare companies.

Key features

  • Response templates: Swell provides companies with built-in templates to help them respond quickly to customer reviews.
  • SMS invitations: Swell lets you send automated, personalized SMS messages to customers asking them to leave reviews on platforms such as Google, Facebook, etc.
  • Analytics: their dashboard provides information on customer engagement and company reputation
  • Sending rules: Users can set specific rules to determine which types of customers receive review requests, and when.
  • Review filtering: Swell lets you sort reviews based on factors such as location, source, date or keywords.

Pros and cons

✅ Swell allows businesses to request reviews on a dozen platforms, including Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor.

✅ Users can launch unlimited text marketing campaigns

❌ Swell's features are primarily designed for healthcare businesses.

❌ Some users might encounter hiccups with APIs and integrations.

❌ Their software can only send SMS messages, not emails.

Swell reputation management platform


Podium is a versatile reputation management application that offers a wide range of features, from review management to text and video chat with customers as well as credit card payments.

They present themselves as a comprehensive messaging-centric platform designed to improve customer interactions, manage online feedback and foster reputation building.

Although its exclusive SMS reviews feature and niche targeting may be considered, Podium remains a solid option on the market.

Key features

  • SMS review requests: Podium lets you send SMS review requests to encourage customers to leave testimonials on the platform of their choice. The tool then sends follow-up reminders if necessary.
  • Real-time response: The platform enables users to respond to online reviews and feedbacks in real time.
  • In-depth reporting: Podium analyses provide insight into business operations, including sentiment analysis and competitive benchmarking
  • Textable business number: They offer a free, textable business number on which customers can answer and contact customer support.

Pros and cons

✅ A mobile app is available for managing reviews while on the move.

✅ Their intuitive interface ensures seamless navigation and usability.

❌ Podium's review request feature is exclusively based on SMS

❌ Rather designed for smaller automotive, healthcare and service providers, Podium's focus could make it less effective for e-commerce brands.

❌ Some users encounter difficulties in reaching human customer service representatives.

Podium reputation management platform


Trustpilot is a customer review management platform that enables online businesses to build their brand reputation.

It offers a range of features designed to boost Google visibility, conversions, sales and overall brand credibility.

Its automated review collection, analytics dashboard and review widget creation contribute to its market success.

While the inability to remove inaccurate reviews and limited widget customization may be considerations, Trustpilot remains a solid choice for medium to large online businesses looking to generate and display customer testimonials.

Key features

  • Automated review collection: Trustpilot automates the process of requesting reviews from new customers.
  • Dashboard: The platform's analytics dashboard offers information on campaign performance across different review sites.
  • Review widgets: Companies can create widgets based on their best reviews to showcase them and add reassurance to their site.
  • Review monitoring: Trustpilot enables companies to manage positive and negative reviews and respond proactively to customer feedback.

Pros and cons

✅ Trustpilot offers integrations with a range of platforms including Zendesk, Magento, Salesforce, Zapier, Prestashop, Mailchimp, and more.

✅ Free forever pricing provides enough tools for small brands to start generating and managing customer reviews.

❌ Users have reported limitations in the management and deletion of inaccurate or erroneous reviews.

❌ Reviewers also reported a lack of personalization and mobile optimization of the review widget.

Trustpilot reputation management platform


ReviewsOnMyWebsite is a review management tool designed to help businesses manage their online reputation.

You can use it to read, reply to, and share customer reviews.

It also allows you to embed top customer reviews on your website.

And remind customers to leave a review for your business through automated email and SMS campaigns.

Key features

  • Review feed: You can read and reply to all the reviews your business gets from ReviewsOnMyWebsite’s review feed.
  • AI-powered responses: Reply to reviews faster by using the AI response feature to generate personalized replies.
  • Review widget: Display top customer reviews on your website with ReviewsOnMyWebsite’s review widget.
  • Email and SMS reminders: Send automated email and SMS notifications to customers to remind them to leave a review for your business.
  • Social sharing: Share the best customer reviews to your social media pages in a few clicks.

Pros and cons

✅ Supports all the most popular review sites, including Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Tripadvisor.

✅ Offers a white label review management solution for agencies selling reputation management services.

❌ Not suitable for e-commerce brands.

ReviewsOnMyWebsite reputation management platform

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